Seriously, who the hell here thinks that organic food is better than regular old food? So this article just confirms what I and millions of others have been screaming about, in that the Organic Foods movement is nothing more than a large cash cow for the effete snobbery of the left to look down their noses at the unwashed masses who A) don't go to Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Henry's, Boney's, Sprouts, or other moronic grocery stores catering to moronic leftists and their penchant for all things natural, and B) are irritated to no end and ad nauseum that people actually buy groceries that were treated with pesticides or are genetically modified. OH MY GOD!!! The horror of it all.
Why the left gloms onto these idiotic fads is beyond me, but I'm not a leftist, nor do I have the grifting leftist mind that recoils at anything resembling a semblence of common sense or decency. These shallow-thinking buffoons scoff at the nerve that you would buy from BIG GROCERY!!!
Link for reading the obvious:
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
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