Well, in a typical party line vote Sonia Sotomayor is now Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Not totally unexpected, but once again, the left has found a way to insert someone who is going to help begin the process of chiseling a new construct of our union. As expected, she was elated and I would have been too that her oft purveyed Latina Wisdom will now become her defacto method of determining law and in her own words "policy". Her admirers were so elated infact that one of them said this, "I'm extremely proud to be Puerto Rican today and watch history in the making," said Marina Ortiz, 50.
Ms. Ortiz, 50, why aren't you extremely proud that you are an American and that a fellow woman and American was confirmed to the highest bench in the land? I will never understand the divisive nature of branding oneself other than American. I'm not a naturally born citizen, but I am a naturalized citizen and I can tell you without hesitation or reservation, that I am an American.
Congratulations to the new Justice. I hope that her judicial temperance is observed.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
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