So it looks like three lunatics yelling Allah Snackbar or some other stupid shit decided that going into a mosque and killing 5 people and wounding several others was a good thing to do in Quebec. In Quebec. Think about that for a second.
Quebec and specifically Quebec City are a part, but not a part of Canada. Quebec is fiercely frenchie and by that I mean, they are protectionist french who live in Canada. They hate anything Canadian. Everything is in French. English is a no-no and they've voted on it to be that way. Shit, they almost voted themselves out of Canada a few years back, losing by a gnats ass amount of voters. A real squeaker. Anyway, so you might ask yourselves that after all this is Canada where they have strict gun laws and they are sorry for everything.
Trudeau is left bewildered and wondering why or how this could happen in such a quaint city like Quebec city. Which I've been to and is quite beautiful actually in an old-world charmy sort of way. So, in uber tolerant Canada, which has one of the strictest immigration policies in the western hemisphere, they are left wondering how this could happen... And to Muslims no less. Oh the huge manatee!!!
Trudeau taking his cue long enough to stop sucking someones balls looked up and realized that something happened that involved muslims. Consulting his handbook of appropriate moods vs circumstances, a treatise on how to react in front of a camera, he decided that crying would be the right play call to make. In taking a cue from Chuck 'The weeping sad sack Jewy Jewstein' Schumer, he proceeded to get in front of a camera and get misty or something. What a fag.
Quebec has a seriously problem with a growing North African Muslim population. These aren't nice people. They are for the most part radicalized and Trudeau just announced that he is going to take in refugees that Trump won't. So more of them will be coming to your country Canadia. What is it with leftists and comitting national suicide? Are leftists that much of death cultists like their muslim brethren? Two death cults, one that kills in the womb, the other that beheads outside the womb. Brilliant.
Oh and let's not forget how Trump will be blamed for this by the leftist media as an incitement due to his executive order shutting out radical Muslim extremists and refugees from seven Islamic countries. While they nit-pick that he didn't include Saudi Arabia, The Emirates, and a couple of others. Also, he didn't include Bosnia or Indonesia, which is one of the largest Muslim populace countries on earth. Yeah, the gnashing of teeth will commence while the living walking zombies, the leftist protesters shamble from one manufactured outrage to the next.
"Liberal French women dress up as Nazis to protest against the so called
‘Fascist Epidemic’ during Women’s Day."
Weird photo, but since I don't want to suddenly thrust naked breasts in
your face, I'll send you over to X to see it: here.
41 minutes ago
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