Well, as I get older, I realize that my mortality is something that is being thrust at me in ways I don't expect or want or need. Go away mortality!!! But it isn't that easy. It is with a heavy heart that today I found out that a childhood crush and big screen heroine has passed into the great beyond. Carrie Fisher, daughter of Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds has died from complication due to a massive heart attack that struck her on a flight from London to the states. I can't imagine what it's like to be Debbie Reynolds, who is in her mid 80's to know that she has outlived her daughter.
Carrie Fisher wasn't overtly beautiful, but she was pretty. There was a type of dowdiness/mousiness in the 70's that was attractive back then. Think Linda Ronstadt as a comparative.

However, given her immense success in Star Wars and her often overlooked role in The Blues Brothers as the revenge seeking AR15 wielding stalker of Jim Belushi's character, Jake Elwood, she was always going to be type cast no matter what. Even as an author and screenwriter, she couldn't escape her the role of a lifetime that made her. A lot of actors bemoan the type casting of movie/TV roles that they get. Mark Hamill is another Star Wars alum that bemoaned his typecasting as Luke Skywalker, but going on to other successful roles as a voice actor and not really 'making' it on the big screen anymore. Although he has no problem coming back for a big payout to play Luke Skywalker again in the new movies. I digress.
Miss Fisher also lived a hard Hollywood lifestyle of parties, booze, drugs, and radical leftism. That life caught up with her and I suspect the irreparable damage that living this way will do to your body caught up with her on that fateful flight. You can't live that kind of life and walk away unscathed. You just can't. Go ask George Michael how that worked out for him. Oh wait. But that ever nagging asshole called Death is always lurking and sniffing around your perimeter just waiting for you to fuck up somehow and when you do, he is there to greet with you open arms. She eventually cleaned her act up, but it left her scarred and it showed.

Even poor Linda Ronstadt hasn't fared as well. Poor dear.
In any case, Carrie, you will be missed. I'm glad you were able to finish up filming the next star wars movie and that you are somewhere with Anakin, Han, Obi Wan, and those fucking meritocracy based midichlorian assholes that convey the force to people they think are worthy. Forever Princess Leia and the eternal crush I'll have of you in that bikini. RAWR!!! Shalom and Live Long and Prosper.