Well, it wasn't bad enough that Carrie Fisher died yesterday, but holy shit, now a day later her mother strokes out and dies too? What the fuck is going on?!?!?!!?
Death, you are a fucking asshole. Seriously, just a dark, maudlin asshole. Couldn't you just wait a little bit for her to at least bury her daughter and then let her kick the bucket after a few weeks of grief? What the shit? Jesus had a quota to fill before 2016 was over and told you to go collect or else? You're a dick.

Like I said yesterday, this mortality shit is overrated? I realize that we as teeny tiny organisms on a blue mud-hole in an unknown solar system parked somewhere in the middle of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy and that our existences have basically occurred in the last 5 seconds of the cosmic time clock, and that we have a lifespan of about 80 years or so. But would it have killed the creator to inject a little more life-force into our meager water sacks to sort of extend that a little bit? I'm not greedy, say 200 - 500 years? I think a half a millennium tops is reasonable? You stay young and vital of around 35 years of age and you live to 500 and then drop dead without notice. Just like that. I'm cool with that.
Le sigh!!! Anyway, sorry to see you go like this Debbie. It was wantonly unfair and death is a jerk. Oh well. See you on the other side. Say hi to Carrie for us. We miss her already and you can take a bow for living a life well lived without scandal and being beloved by all. Farewell.

Death is a motherfucker! That's why I think it's important to live in the moment. I know, a stale phrase, but it is true. We all, to varying degrees, have mini epiphanies @ funerals. Then in a few days we go back to taking life for granted. I have experienced 2 near deaths. I buried the emotions for a long time. Then I got some help and have come to appreciate each day. Not even close to appreciating life as I should, but at least not taking it for granted. I'll be out west soon. I'll call you when I get settled.
Agreed. I'm not getting any younger and it pisses me off that I won't get to see a bunch of cool shit from the future, but also to know that my kid will be alone when I go. See you when you get out here, Nick.
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