Thursday, December 22, 2016

Necroviving this blog. Yes, I just made up a word.

So now that Trump will be our president soon and with California pulling more stupid shit on it's citizens daily, also the fact that I now have a shit-ton of time to dedicate to giving you my opinions on all matters that come out of my demented skull, I'm thinking that I might Necrovive aka resurrect this blog, The Busy Bee Blog. I've been a very busy bee for a while and I can assure you that if Hillary won, you would never have heard from me again. This is not a ponderous decision, just something I've been mulling in the wake of Trump becoming president, a new sense of optimism I haven't seen since Reagan and I'd like to get in my say so on the comings and goings of the intersection of California life and politics with a Trump presidency. As always, you will get an utterly unadulterated point of view from me. I don't white wash shit, I don't beat around the bush (unless it was Kate Beckinsales bush), and I will hit hard at the Radical Marxist Progressive Collectivists in California and around the country. But particularly that odious piece of shit, Gavin Newsom, who fancies himself the next governor of California, who's sole mission will be to drive the 2nd amendment out of California along with a democrat super-majority in the state house and senate. Republicans in this state are nothing more than furniture at this point. They just show up to get sat on. Two massive geographical regions control this state, the Los Angeles Basin and the entirety of the bay area. These two regional locals are what is wrong with this state. They control it all basically. From California's 55 electoral votes, so it's majority of representation in the state house and senate. San Diego is not to far behind. I think it went blue this election. The Silicon Valley Retards (SRV's) think they can secede from the union because Trump is president. They have it all wrong. Conservatives have been trying to find a way to secede from California and break up this humongously mismanaged state. This state is too big to manage and with out of touch Sacramento being the catalyst for all of these onerous laws that shackle the citizen from taxes to the 2A to regulatory predation. So I'm throwing down the gauntlet. I'm open for business again and some of these California shit-heels are in my sights.

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