Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's now Justice Sotomayor...

Well, in a typical party line vote Sonia Sotomayor is now Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Not totally unexpected, but once again, the left has found a way to insert someone who is going to help begin the process of chiseling a new construct of our union. As expected, she was elated and I would have been too that her oft purveyed Latina Wisdom will now become her defacto method of determining law and in her own words "policy". Her admirers were so elated infact that one of them said this, "I'm extremely proud to be Puerto Rican today and watch history in the making," said Marina Ortiz, 50.

Ms. Ortiz, 50, why aren't you extremely proud that you are an American and that a fellow woman and American was confirmed to the highest bench in the land? I will never understand the divisive nature of branding oneself other than American. I'm not a naturally born citizen, but I am a naturalized citizen and I can tell you without hesitation or reservation, that I am an American.

Congratulations to the new Justice. I hope that her judicial temperance is observed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I mean, DUH!!!

Seriously, who the hell here thinks that organic food is better than regular old food? So this article just confirms what I and millions of others have been screaming about, in that the Organic Foods movement is nothing more than a large cash cow for the effete snobbery of the left to look down their noses at the unwashed masses who A) don't go to Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Henry's, Boney's, Sprouts, or other moronic grocery stores catering to moronic leftists and their penchant for all things natural, and B) are irritated to no end and ad nauseum that people actually buy groceries that were treated with pesticides or are genetically modified. OH MY GOD!!! The horror of it all.

Why the left gloms onto these idiotic fads is beyond me, but I'm not a leftist, nor do I have the grifting leftist mind that recoils at anything resembling a semblence of common sense or decency. These shallow-thinking buffoons scoff at the nerve that you would buy from BIG GROCERY!!!

Link for reading the obvious:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A crazy month...

Well, finding myself on the other side of employment I had to quickly find another job so I can keep paying the bills. After two months of diligent searching I finally landed some work, but alas, it is in Norther California, in the east bay to be exact. So now I begin the bi-weekly weekend commute back to San Diego to stay with the wife, the child, and the dogs and have some fun. I miss them all dearly. Funny how now that I'm starting to get calls for work down in San Diego, but I have to tell them that I'm already committed to doing the work up here.

I have rented a room with a nice roommate. I have my own room, bathroom, it's a nice house in front of a golf course which is part of a country club. The weather has been hotter than Hades though. Overall, this will work out fine, but I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the money they threw at me. This will enable me to rent a place here and still send more money back home than I did before. Wish me luck...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carrie Prejean fired on possible Trump(ed) up excuses...

Well, it looks like K2 productions with Trumps blessings has finally fired Carrie Prejean and striped her of her Miss California title using the feeble excuse that she didn't fulfill her contractual obligations. They finally got their wish and booted this newly labeled bigot and homophobe out of their homophile organization. To Carrie Prejean's credit, she will take this new found fame and make something of it. Hopefully it won't be into the descent of something meaningless.

I wonder what the title of her new book will be: Punching Bag of the Velvet Mafia or Bigotry & Homophobia - A Treatise on the currency of the Aberrant Homosexual Activist Left or my personal favorite, Perez Hilton - Portrait of a Faux Man.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Palm Pre is out...

But it's on Sprint. NO!!! ARGH!!! Why couldn't this phone have been made GSM/CDMA and sold exclusively of a carrier? I hope it succeeds, but I suspect it will be mediocre. Too bad too, because this is a really really good phone. Just not good enough for me to switch to Sprint. I hate Sprint.

I'm suffering from updateitis...

Life has gotten in the way of the blog momentarily. Some good, juicy news stories have pass me by and I've been out of the news loop for a couple of weeks or so. I tried to post from my phone, but man is that tedious or what? But I guess that's all some bloggers do and just post from their phones.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Maureen Dowd... New Title... Plagarist...

She lifted a whole paragraph from a liberal blogger about the Bush Administration hiding intelligence on a whole slew of stuff as a pretext to war. Now only did she copy the whole thing word for word and not give credit where it was due, but she used the typical leftist screed about pre-war intel and how we were lied too as well. So she's a double dipper. She uses someone else lies to insert as her own. Nice. What's worse now is that I imagine all of her work now will undergo an audit and special scrutiny.

*as a disclaimer I used source material once to make a point on an environmental issue. I have a ton, and I mean just reams and reams of typewritten texts on all kinds of subjects without a source from whence they came, but it had no source until someone else pointed it out to me the source it came from. Mayhem ensued. However, in Ms. Dowds case she knew where it came from and who wrote it and still didn't credit it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inflation is the the bitch you can't hide under your bed...

Well, well, well. Looks like Mr. Barely has delivered a speech in New Mexico that talks about this countries long term debt problem. A problem that this man has not only allowed to occur under his watch, but exacerbate even further by allowing the type of pork barrel spending to occur that he signed into office. So let me get this straight, you create the problem of running up the highest debt rate this country has ever seen. You are now the architect of trillions of dollars of interest payments alone for the next 15 years. You've foisted a debt load on the next 5 generations that they most likely will never be able to pay. You've now saddled this country with a burgeoning inflation rate that will dwarf anything in the 70's because of the funny money you allowed to be printed up. You've begged the Chinese to keep buying all of this poison in the hopes that they continue to do so and you have the nerve, THE NERVE, to say in a speech in New Mexico that we have a long term debt problem?!?!

Is this the hope and change you have promoted. Create a problem by not calling it one and then when the reality of the problem hits you in the face you go on a speech tour and say it's a problem in the hopes that people don't look at you like a dog that just heard a funny sound and believe that you didn't create this problem? Seriously? What chapter does this fall under in the Alinsky Bible or are you writing new chapters? Where are the final boundaries of your incompetence?

Another emperor and those are nice looking threads you have there, sir.

It wasn't me... It was the one armed man...

Nancy Pelosi has been caught not only with her pants down from lying, but with her skin sagging from the weight of the lie, and her crone-like claws in the cookie jar all at the same time. And what does she say when she has now been caught in that lie? She just lies some more by saying that she was lied to too by the CIA and the Bush Administration.

"To the contrary ... we were told explicitly that waterboarding was not being used,"

Really? Who told you that? Was the we you or your aide that lied to you or both?

"I wasn't briefed, I was informed that somebody else had been briefed about it,"

So you either didn't show up to the briefings which means you A) didn't care about the interrogation techniques being used on our enemies, or B) in sending your aid(s) to attend these briefings you implicitly gave your consent to the knowledge that these techniques were being employed or that you didn't care enough to intercede and have them stopped. So you either knew about them or someone in your office knew about them, which in either case means that you knew about them. How is it impossible for you to not know about them?

All someone has to do is present the records of the attendance of who was at these briefings and that would resolve this matter once and for all, no? Or have they disappeared or were never taken? Even HRL Boehner laughs in her face.

"When you look at the number of briefings that the Speaker was in and other Democrat members of the House and Senate, it's pretty clear that they were well aware of what these enhanced interrogation techniques were," said the Ohio lawmaker. "They were well aware that they had been used, and it seems to me that they want to have it both ways. You can't have it both ways."

And yet, this human shrew, this mental lightweight has the nerve to utter this patent lie:

"They [The CIA] mislead us all the time,"

"They [The Bush Administration] misrepresented every step of the way, and they don't want that focus on them, so they try to turn the attention on us," she said.

This woman is what is wrong with our leadership. She is a liar, a parasitic political opportunist, that is dressed in hypocrisy. She has no credibility and she will do anything to besmirch this country even further. To call her an American at this point is anathema to my good sense. She is neither a patriot nor a friend to this country. She is a bungler of facts, she distorts truth, she is a manufacturer of lies. She should step down and resign today for the good of the Congress and the country. Her continued lying cannot stand and I hope that Republicans do not let up on her. If they have any semblance of a spine left they will go for her juglar, but alas the only thing that will bleed out is dust.

How much more of this petty womans lies do we have to endure. We are being laughed at around the world because of this womans lack of leadership and the representation by this leftist Congress.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The All-of-a-Sudden-Super-Crisis Swine Flu...

The first reports of the swine flu came out of Mexico City, with something around 20 people being reported having it. I thought that was odd that Swine Flu would be reported in the US while it occurred in another country. Then within hours after that, Swine Flu was reported being in Texas and San Diego County. Just like that. Today, Swine Flu or this variation of it H1N1 can be tracked via a timemap here: (sorry, the linking option is not allowing the link to post for some reason, so just copy and paste for now.

This uses Google Maps to track the occurrence and spread of H1N1. However, something isn't right about this story at all. How did it get all the way to New York in such a short period of time? Mexico City is fairly deep into Mexico proper and in less then 2 days it's already in New York. What isn't being said here and much more carefully in my opinion is that A) it was or wasn't transported by tainted pork, B) it was or wasn't transported by illegal aliens, C) it was or wasn't transmitted through some other more nefarious means, aka bio-terrorism.

So far, officially it's been ruled out as bio-terrorism, but logically the first two haven't been explained away, which makes option C still on the table. You can't explain it away how a virus like this has hopped almost 5000 miles in roughly 2 to 3 days. Something is wrong here, something is being repressed in terms of this information. The fact that it went from Mexico City to San Diego County is bothersome, not because I live in the county, but because of it's epidemiological pathway to New York. That's what bothers me the most. A lot of people aren't saying a whole lot about how it got up there. The only way to discount that H1N1 didn't come from the same genetic source is that you had several simultaneous outbreaks that were not related to each other at all. The odds of that happening are fairly incalculable if you rule out options A, B, and C. You can infer the rest from there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Long lost brothers finally reunited...

Wow. It's like watching brothers who have never seen each other before finally meet only to know what each other is thinking. Isn't Marxism grand that way? You know exactly what the indoctrinated propaganda is like from one another. I bet they even quoted from Das Kapital in unison too like good little, trained Marxists as well.

I wonder what Mr. Barely gave his long lost brother as a gift. No not an iPod. I really doubt it was wrong regioned DVD's of Lassie. Oh, I know, it was Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinski.

Nice. Trying to get that Marxist secret handshake down. It's a little rusty I can tell. Pretty soon they will have it down like The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter in San Diego

Went with the family and the dogs to the beach. Had a great time in near perfect weather. This is a great place to live still. Hope you all had a good Easter. I think about our fighting men and women in harms way abroad and hope they keep their heads down, their powder dry and know that we over here appreciate every iota of energy and gratitude that we heap upon them for allowing us the privilege to be in this great country.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A weak President that acts weakly...

It seems that the White House is either not discussing the hostage situation with the Somali pirates and Capt. Richard Phillips because they are planning some sort of covert action or they are paralyzed by their inherent weakness which leads one to think they are legitimately incompetent to deal with this type of situation given the resources within Mr. Obama's reach. The captain is obviously a hero for trading himself for his crew members and I understand that they are either still in debriefing by the FBI or are done.

What amazes me is that we have navy warships at the scene and when the captain made his unsuccessful escape it would have been a good time at that moment to open fire and destroy the pirates, but it looks like the situation didn't present itself to take that kind of action or they are under a no fire order. How is it that these pirates are not afraid of the most powerful navy in the world? Have we become so hobbled as a nation under the order of liberalism and leftism that we can't even send our most powerful arsenals not to mention the men and women trained for this very thing against a rag-tag fleet of 8th world sub-humans?

Edit: 4/12/09

Looks like the Captain has been rescued. No word on whether it was an overt or covert operation. I really don't care either way, just as long as he is safe and sound. The guy is a hero and needs to be treated as such. However, it would be interesting to know the details of his rescue. That stuff fascinates me either way. Unfortunately, I think the longer lasting damage of the presidents perceived hesitation has already been done. Expect more American piracy hostages in the future.

U.N. agrees to language that condemns NK's rocket launch...

and nothing happens. So let me get this straight, again. This body called the UN comes together to draft language in a carefully and specifically worded way to condemn the DPRK or NK as most people know it launching it's 'Satellite' last week. Wow, can you feel the tremble of such ominous and odious wordsmithing? Can you see Kim Jong Il running around and freaking out at the prospect that the UN is getting together to tell him whatfore? When will this nonsense stop? When will we as a country stand up this sanctimonious, money-sucking, US supported, non-entity and say enough is enough? What will this language do? It won't do anything. This is like watching Neville Chamberlain times a billion.

We give this little crazy midget billions of dollars of American money, American food, even American oil in backroom deals to get them to stop having nuclear weapons aspirations and time and time again they just agree and capitulate while they had the dagger behind their back. When everyone goes home feeling shiny, happy, and fresh about having just averted disaster, this crazy midget turns on his weapons development again and our leaders look mystified and confused as to how this could possibly be happening. Can we just kill him already, liberate this country once and for all or stop dealing with them. Between China and Russia giving them whatever they want, then why the hell are we even bothering. So frustrating to watch Marxist ideology goosestep it's way across the globe only to have it voted into office in this country by 52.6%.

What is wrong with this woman?

I was perusing Youtube earlier today and just happened upon this wierd video of Hillary Clinton, The worlds most upwardly mobile politician, and she starts talking about piracy. However, the way she is talking about it gives the impression that she was just briefed on it, had no clue what piracy was outside of watching Johnny Depp as one, and then starts chuckling about it.

Why the chuckling? Is it nervous or courtesy laughter? Is it because you sound like an ambigious meaning moron? What? What is wrong with you Mrs. Clinton?

You decide. I have no idea what is going on in the vacuum of space between her ears. How this woman has to power and prominence with the dark cloud of suspicions and antipathy towards her is beyond me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's official. It wasn't a bow. Really? You sure?

In a complete refutation against reality, the White House has issued, in Obi Wan Kenobi like fashion that The President of the United States or POTUS did not bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, but actually bent over because the King of the House of Saud is shorter than our illustrious leader.

To wit, from the Politico, an anonymous Obama insider is quoted as saying:

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah."

Here. You be the judge. The money shot is at 0:53.

Really? Are you sure? I mean, did this anonymous insider look at the body posture of the POTUS when he made his non-bow? You don't stick your leg out behind you when you just want to bend over and talk to a shorter dictator, do you? Look, you an clearly see that it's a bow. His body posture is clear. His thrust out right leg is very clear. Whether he intended to do it or not as a sign of courtesy or not, the message to the rest of the world is clear. Muslims are going to use this throughout their media outlets as a sign of American supplication and prostration to Islam. The fringe kooks are going to make the claim that Mr. Barely is a stealth muslim. This was a stupid thing to do. Actually, it was an incompetent thing to do.

This type of excuse just reminds me of Obi Wan Kenobi's Jedi Mind Trick in Star Wars. In all seriousness. Who do these people think they are? It's a bow, ok? Just admit it and move on. But oh no, you can't do that anonymous source person. You've just fanned the flames of Mr. Barely bowing to a King and a viscious dictator of a malformed Islamic state into the oncoming news cycles instead of letting die.

Whoever you are, anonymous source, you should be fired for your stupidity and apparent incompetence. But is that asking to much? Afterall, it seems that incompetence runs rampant in this administration. Fumbling, stumbling, prostrating, apologizing, and bowing. All in less than 100 days. And the caravan rolls on. Dear God.

Well, I'm getting into the swing of things...

After a very very very very long haitus I think I been able to develop the necessary time to make this blog a somewhat dust bunny corner of the intertubes. A whole lot of things have changed with blogger, so i will be a little busy getting into the backroom dealing with fitting this blog to my tastes, so if you start seeing some weirdo changes, just bear with me because I'm to do some expirmentation. If you have anything to add or would like to see, then let me know.

Weird, I feel nervous. Tee-hee.