Sunday, January 29, 2017

Shooting in a Mosque in Quebec City... Trump Blame Shifting at 11. Shooters and the dead/wounded say they are sorry. Whatever.

So it looks like three lunatics yelling Allah Snackbar or some other stupid shit decided that going into a mosque and killing 5 people and wounding several others was a good thing to do in Quebec. In Quebec. Think about that for a second.

Quebec and specifically Quebec City are a part, but not a part of Canada. Quebec is fiercely frenchie and by that I mean, they are protectionist french who live in Canada. They hate anything Canadian. Everything is in French. English is a no-no and they've voted on it to be that way. Shit, they almost voted themselves out of Canada a few years back, losing by a gnats ass amount of voters. A real squeaker. Anyway, so you might ask yourselves that after all this is Canada where they have strict gun laws and they are sorry for everything.

Trudeau is left bewildered and wondering why or how this could happen in such a quaint city like Quebec city. Which I've been to and is quite beautiful actually in an old-world charmy sort of way. So, in uber tolerant Canada, which has one of the strictest immigration policies in the western hemisphere, they are left wondering how this could happen... And to Muslims no less. Oh the huge manatee!!!

Trudeau taking his cue long enough to stop sucking someones balls looked up and realized that something happened that involved muslims. Consulting his handbook of appropriate moods vs circumstances, a treatise on how to react in front of a camera, he decided that crying would be the right play call to make. In taking a cue from Chuck 'The weeping sad sack Jewy Jewstein' Schumer, he proceeded to get in front of a camera and get misty or something. What a fag.

Quebec has a seriously problem with a growing North African Muslim population. These aren't nice people. They are for the most part radicalized and Trudeau just announced that he is going to take in refugees that Trump won't. So more of them will be coming to your country Canadia. What is it with leftists and comitting national suicide? Are leftists that much of death cultists like their muslim brethren? Two death cults, one that kills in the womb, the other that beheads outside the womb. Brilliant.

Oh and let's not forget how Trump will be blamed for this by the leftist media as an incitement due to his executive order shutting out radical Muslim extremists and refugees from seven Islamic countries. While they nit-pick that he didn't include Saudi Arabia, The Emirates, and a couple of others. Also, he didn't include Bosnia or Indonesia, which is one of the largest Muslim populace countries on earth. Yeah, the gnashing of teeth will commence while the living walking zombies, the leftist protesters shamble from one manufactured outrage to the next.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The BIG day is upon us...

Well, it's been a very dower 8 years. President Obama will go down in history, in my opinion, as an abject failure in totality. If you are a Radical Marxist Progressive Collectivist, why, he was the greatest thing since Preparation H shrinking your hemorrhoids. He was attributed a lot of firsts, but in reality, they really didn't mean shit. He was the first black president. Nope, but he was the first mulatto president. He was a uniter. Nope, he did literally the opposite. On TV he was a uniter. In the white house, he was a fuck you motherfucker chocolate bastard that would fuck you when you weren't looking. He was clearly one one of the most divisive people to ever grace the presidency. His outrageous form of leftism was mean to do one thing and one thing only, diminish the United States in such a way as to weaken it and make it look prostrate and meek.

His world tours of apology. His bowing to heads of state in a spineless for of supplication. His perpetual whining that America's sins need to lead to American self flagellation in how sorry the country was for things like slavery, the civil war, civil rights, BLM, any leftist cause celeb. He tried to paint himself as a man of the people and really, he was just your typical spoiled little chicken head who thought he was smart, ironic, self-assured, and tried to be the smartest guy in the room. He was none of those things. I will say he was good at doing things like being an MC. He was a great MC. He should have been President of the MC.

This little half-black boy, who's mother was a communist, who's father was a black African communist (Obama Sr.), or as some believe is really Frank Marshal Davis, a black communist pornographer who knew Obama's mother because she basically posed for him in pseudo-bondage rags on occasion, who was tossed around as a young boy into a Muslim country like Indonesia, steeped in Islam and communism (because Islam and communism are quite closely related), never has a stable home life really, gets thrown on his grand-parents doorstep as a teenager. Goes to a Hawaiian middle/high school, lives in privilege, spends time with his communist mentor (father?) Frank Davis, who's friends with his grandparents, also communists. Then somehow finds himself in university around the Chicago area and gets steeped further in the leftist credo there. We never really know what he did there, how he got there, what his grades where, what he studied, or really anything else for that matter. A man of mystery. Not really, but none of that really matters. Birther bullshit aside. It really doesn't matter. It's what we've seen the last 8 years.

A guy who has spent the better part of 8 years with scandal constantly over his administration. He was literally incapable and unprepared to handle the role. Hired other fellow traveling communists into his administration and in close advisory roles. Tasked with trying to dismantle the US in ways that were fairly nefarious. To go after his political enemies, which he did through the IRS. Sought, fairly unsuccessfully to trying to disarm the populace, but at the same time would arm terrorist forces and drug cartels. Would spend over $10 trillion dollars to save $4 trillion. Cooking the economic books to show what a wunderkind of economics he was. Is responsible for increases in taxes. Is responsible for increases in regulation. Is responsible for the ACA, which co-opted 1/6th of the economy, added 20k pages of regulatory bullshit on the American public, was deemed a tax twice by SCOTUS, and gave undo powers to congress to basically compel citizens to buy their sanctioned produce or else be taxed. Not a single republican voted for it, but somehow they got blamed.

He is a master at blame shifting. It's never his fault. Ever. It's those evil republicans and Rush Limbaugh. Typical language of a soft, little man, who basically comes from upper middle-class wealth, rides the wave of his own cool because of his dark complexion and has a whole voting bloc, aka blacks behind him. Whites fawned over him. The press basically followed him around like a puppy, lavishing praise and godhood upon him. He could do no wrong, he could commit no error. He was truly, in their eyes, worthy of all that he surveyed. Obama basically was a giant safe space unto himself. And now, it's over.

The reality that he is no longer in power has left his sycophants agog with depression. Their safe space is gone. Their alternate reality bubble has popped. They will now be smacked upside the head with the perils of real life. The adults have come back home and it's too much for the leftists to bear. It really is. This man has damaged the United States in ways I can't fathom quite yet. Not from the obvious of trying to diminish and dismantle its institutions and legacies, but the deeper, backroom hidden things we don't see. But that time has come to an end, but the national leftist temper tantrum continues.

In that vein, Trump is or will be the tonic. The adults will correct the errors of letting the children hold the reigns of power. The end of error is over and an era of stability and prosperity is upon us. Well, I certainly hope so. Trump has a lot of damage to fix and god help him in trying to fix it. We've seen the errors and damage that leftists bring to the table. They are evil and nefarious and they will stop at nothing to destabilize further what they can when they can. I hope that this new presidency changes all of that. Let's all watch together and see what happens. The BIG day is upon us. It'll be a good day.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year to you, you filthy animals.